AccuWatch Pro RMC-2000 Pump and Lift Station Monitoring System


Availability: In stock in Rochester NY.

Server Option * 

SKU: ACCUWATCH PRO RMC-2000 Categories: ,


AccuWatch unit with 24/7 real-time monitoring of pumps and high level alarms. AccuWatch Pro provides 4 to 20 ma sensor monitoring. Includes cellular internet connection with no
monthly cellular ISP fees. The AccuWatch pump and lift station monitoring system is a low cost real time IIoT and cloud based server with remote capabilities. The AccuWatch Pro offers the same functionality as the standard AccuWatch but offers the ability to monitor four analog input sensors. AccuWatch also offers free cellular internet access almost anywhere in the world.

RMC-2000 Data Sheet

​​​​​​The AccuWatch RMC-2000 comes with 8 digital inputs and 4 analog inputs.

  • Proprietary Algorithms
  • Decrease chemical usage and cost.
  • Dose rate automatically adjusted.
  • Reduce or eliminate overdosing.
  • Maintain safe chemical concentrations in a wet well.
  • Reduce run times increase the life of expensive pumps.
  • Plug and play
  • Remote cellular internet access with no fees.

AccuWatch RMC-2000 Pro Municipal Application